Frivolous Universe

(re-)Cheep, cheap

Outfit Breakdown:

Liz Claiborne 100% silk two-piece blue suit w/ shorts: $7.50 (Idaho Youth Ranch-250 N. Orchard Boise, ID 83706)
Tess Studio silk cami:$1.99 (ReStyle-5326 Overland Road, Boise, Idaho 83705)

Total outfit cost: $9.49

Accessories Breakdown:

Agate (or whatever stone this is) necklace: $8 million Turkish lira (circa 2004, so about $6)
RipCurl watch: $36, original MSRP $109 (from Whiskey Militia)
Silver/gold/bronze bracelet: FREE as permanently borrowed gift from sister (Cheep!)
Bandolino blue pumps: $19 (Ross Dress for Less-mall area)

Total accessories cost: $61 + a trip to Istanbul

I love silk. I love the way it moves and how it feels. I love that it breathes in the summer and acts as the perfect sweat-wicking, warm-upping underlayer in the winter. Thrift stores, like these two stellar spots conveniently located only a few blocks from my house (watch out), have amazing, exquisitely tailored silk pieces for dirt cheap. Usually, it just takes a few snip, snips of the shoulder pads to bring ‘em on up to the 21st century.

I usually don’t wear shorts, but hello. I love me a silky two-piece. I could mix and match both top and bottom to paroxysms of exquisiteness. I will also bike in this outfit and feel and look divine. I believe the ideal outfit should allow you to trade out your high heels (I use a small shoe bag from an old suitcase to keep them in, then put that in my bike basket) for some bike friendly, durable flats. Don’t ruin your nice shoes, but why wear spandex when you can wear this? And why drive a car when you can feel the breeze, baby?

Check for 100% silk on the tags ladies, and get down to business.