Frivolous Universe

Boise to Brooklyn: We Protested Vested!

Of course we had to participate in Occupy Wall Street. We made cardboard signs, carefully chose coordinating outfits, and ate a cupcake. Then we met up with protesters in Foley Square, right in front of the court house and the department of justice and marched to Wall St.


Sweetest little sign-carrier.

Best-dressed protester.

Excuse me officers, do you like my vest?

After the march in Liberty Plaza

Kelly’s Outfit: High-necked, ruffled polka-dot blouse, fair-isle sweater vest, bleached cut-offs.

Accessories: We are the 99% sticker,

Woven leather belt:

Tights and boots.

I bleached these shorts in the bathroom sink.

Nicole’s Outfit: High-necked, checked blouse, vest, red high-waisted shorts.

Accessories: Taupe belt,

Red tights, taupe shoes.

Check out the gold brocade back of this vest. Isn’t that a daisy?