Frivolous Universe

Tra, la, la, bustier!

My first winter living in Boise was magic. I was 18, had just left my hometown of McCall for my first semester of college, and met friends who made me forget entirely the burden of my studies for the sake of more enthralling things, like whiskey and art (or the pursuit of). Many of these friends are with me still (Jessica Holmes, our darling Thursday blogette, being one of them), and I think she can agree that together our group of “art fags” (not my phrasing – ask our ring leaders, the Pierce Brothersabout that one) contained the perfect balance of naïve pretension and genuine talent to propel us all to our respective corners of the Boise art world, where we stubbornly stay put.

One particular person, who’s since moved away, comes to mind every year during the autumnal shift – Sarah Gessler. She was small, pixie-like, and had a jaw-dropping voice. She loved singing in the snow because the muffling, white billows made for incredible acoustics along the downtown corridors. She’d stride along the sidewalks, bundled up in some of the most uniquely elegant outfits I’d ever seen, and project her song wherever she pleased.

The day I bought this fantastic black bustier, I was preparing for a date with my newly acquired manfriend (an artist! dare I feign a swoon…) It was Valentine’s Day 2002, and I was a flurry of nerves. I met Sarah for coffee that afternoon and showed her the top. Her reaction was so classically Sarah – she burst into song. “TRA, LA, LA, BUSTIER! TRAA LAA LAAAA BUUUSTIEEER!” A perfectly-pitched, operatic ode to my breast smasher. I took that to mean she approved.

Bustier: Black velvet – by INC. Purchased new.
Skirt: Wool – made around 1970 by Christian Dior.  Got it for a song at a thrift store.

Appropriately enough, these pictures were all taken in the Rose Room, which is where this group of friends and I held a couple massive art shows, almost 10 years ago now……winter truly is the season of return and reflection.

Earrings: Silver, copper, pearl – handcrafted by Hazel Cox.
Bracelet: Nickel – Sergio Collection.
Rings: The one I always wear & a gorgeous silver band crafted by Mike Rogers of Precious Metals.

Now that I’m a “big kid” and am (mostly) no longer sloughing off responsibilities in favor of running around town playing “artist”, I sometimes have to dress like an adult. Enter jacket and scarf…..

Jacket: Wool – made around 1970 by The Villager. Purchased at a thrift store.
Scarf: Silk – purchased at a thrift store.
Bag: Matt & Nat. Purchased new.
Boots: Leather – by Frye. Purchased new.

I no longer have the obstinate, youthful fortitude to wear a bustier all day.
Thank you, well-tailored cotton t-shirt.

Thank you, Rose Room, for your near-celestial lighting.
Thanks also to Bethany, for your incredible camera skills – you’re an f-stop superhero.