Frivolous Universe

The Pursuit

I stayed up late last night pursuing happiness in the guise of a few decent self-composed fashion shots. I ended with a complete and utter ruined self-esteem, as ass-faced ridiculousness unfolded pose after pose after unrelentingly bad pose on my digital screen.

The winter, honestly, makes me want to don a designer snuggie and call it a day. The last thing I feel like doing, especially on bitter nights of the soul, is dress up. But one must do what one must do.

I survive to face the out of doors with vintage Pendleton, 100% wool garments made in Portland, Oregon back in the day. A brand designed so thoughtfully for that fashion-forward 60s lady braving a Portland winter, when the ocean-fed windchill and bleakness in the gray sky overpowers everything but the bright, warm cherry red of your skirt. As you work it, baby. Work it. Pendleton red 100% wool skirt ($3.75, thrift store). Pendleton houndstooth wool jacket ($9.75, thrift store).

These Frye Boots (the “Dorado Short” in sand) are a recent rash pursuit of happiness. They are benchcrafted antique leather. And, um, $400. More expensive than my car. So unlike me. But my mom gave me half the cost as my Christmas gift. (Thanks so much mom!) And the rest I just sucked up, because sometimes, that’s what happiness takes. Pain.

For a net gain. A.B. Byer tan knit top ($? From Macy’s like 10 years ago). I always try to get rid of this shirt but then it randomly becomes the only thing that works for one particular outfit and receives a stay of execution for another full year until the process repeats itself. One day, top. One day.

Copper wrapped turquoise corded necklace (gift from Anna D! Thanks Anna D.) It matches the copper/silver/gold bracelet that is a permanently borrowed gift from my lil sis. Peacock bangle ($5, Buffalo Exchange, ABQ). RipCurl watch ($35, Whiskey Militia).

Kelly Lynae also saved me on par with Pendleton with these fantastic 18th hour (and the clock is running out on Thursday) photos. So blessed to have you in my life, Kelly.

For more on the pitfalls of pursuing your bliss, join the frivolous posse on Dec. 26, the day after Christmas, for Story Story Night’s HAPPINESS: Stories of the Pursuit at the Rose Room. Advance tickets and more at