Frivolous Universe

How to Get Away with Wearing What is Basically a Flannel Blanket and Drapes

Cold comfort.

No not, and never, sweatpants.

Instead, inspired by an oversized plaid cotton dress of Kelly’sI wear a Carol Anderson plaid flannel dress $5 (thrift store). It’s like wrapping yourself in a blanket. One you can wear to business meetings.

Just pick the right finishing touches. WCM New York python belt $2 (thrift store). Frye Boots “Dorado Short” in sand $400 net/$200 gross (after gift donation from parents). Forged metal earrings $3 (thrift store). Copper/gold wrapped corded turquoise leather necklace $0 (gift from Anna).

Miss Scarlett had the right idea, wearing her curtains. But way to give away the gag in the accessories. And  when you have an inside joke, keep your poker face. (Not that I ever keep that rule.)

Topping it off, a coat that looks very much like an exquisite rose-themed drapery. Vintage rose queen coat with emerald lining $14 (thrift store).

Warm vibes, all around.