Frivolous Universe

To Bibbles from Bobbles with Love: Vintage Clothing to Show You Care

Kelly: Jason and I went to Idaho Dance Theatre‘s winter show on Saturday night to see our dear friend Yurek Hansen dance. I wore a vintage Ma Grand sweater and Eight Degrees South tiered silk maxi skirt. This outfit reminds me of Nicole’s lace maxi skirt and merino wool sweater from a couple months ago.

saffron yellow sweater charcoal silk tiered ruffle skirt etra suede clutch michael kors chunky heels

N: Can I just say I absolutely adore what is happening with your hair here?

K: Thank you. I’m trying new things. Repeating motif – my thrifted sphere drop earrings correspond with the dangley pearls on the bow applique of my sweater. I got it for $8.00 this weekend at Lux. I love its rich saffron color and the waffle-knit texture – so cozy!

K: This Catholic saints bracelet is from a Catholic store in Kent, Wash. I’m not Catholic (or religious), but I love iconography. I bought this vintage Etra convertible clutch at Acquired Again Antiques in Hyde Park for $20.00. Their stock is always high quality with reasonable prices (for an antique store, not for a thrift store).

N: Kelly got me a similar bracelet,  but sadly the elastic broke.  It must have sensed what a heathen it was dangling from.

K: I wonder why this one hasn’t broken yet.

K: I don’t remember which thrift store I got this skirt from (like it matters) but I do remember that it was a steal at $5.00. I let Nicole wear it once and she stepped on the hem and tore one of the ruffles.

N: I knew you would bring that up.  I’m sorry! But I can vouch for the glorious-ness that is this skirt.

stacked heels, silk tiered skirt, cable knit knee high socks

K: Michael Kors stacked suede heels and cable knit socks. I specifically chose brown shoes and socks over the expected black. Brown interacted better with the overall color palette of saffron, charcoal and forest green.

N: You look so tall!

N: Thursday was a day packed full of goodness.  I got up bright and early to get some new headshots taken, which also meant getting my hair and make-up done professionally.  I didn’t want to let my fancy face go to waste, so I scurried home afterward to take some blog pictures.  I arrived home to two packages, one from an on-line vintage seller, and the other from muh Boo full of lots of vintage and thrifted goodies!  My outfit contains some of my new scores, as well as me wearing more make-up than you’ll likely ever see on my face again.

Velvet crop top, skinny zippy pants, wool blazer.

K: I think I’ll start tagging your ass in its best outfits, so we can compile your ass-modeling portfolio. You know, just in case the acting doesn’t work out.

N: Thank you.  I think I’ll start trying to always take pictures of my ass in my outfits.  To appease the public.

N: The velvet embellished blouse is from A Little Wicked in the LES. It’s a strange little top, with elastic on the bottom and the sleeves, poofy shoulders, gold shoulder buttons and gold cording along the neck-line and shoulders.  The tag is pretty old and worn out, so I think the brand is Zup Two Inc., but I can’t tell.  I tried looking it up, but haven’t found anything…anyone heard of it by chance?

K: I love how strange this top is!

N: Paired with stretchy, skinny pants with zipper ankles and brown leather belt.  Neither of these are thrifted, but leftovers from my Urban and Banana Republic sale-rack trolling days.

N: Gray and Maroon Argyle socks and platform wedges. Love the little flair I get when I leave the zipper open at the bottom.

K: The best thing about these platforms is they were left behind by your room’s previous renter, thus freeeeee.

N: Inspiration for zipper-ankle pants with wedges:

N: Can you spy the subtly slutty aspect of this weeks outfit?

K: Oooo, I know! I know! It’s your exposed midriff and the skin-tight pants, offset by the masculine shape of the blazer. BOOM!

N: Gold Star for Ms. Robinson!

N: Kelly sent me this sweet Cricketeer Wool Blazer in my care package.  I got another vintage blazer from Bethany that I’m sure will be making an appearance soon.

N: My package also included our fancy new FU business cards and this creepy silver Gerber Baby spoon ring complete with ever-staring baby face.

K: Creeeeeepy…

FU business card & silver Gerber baby ring

K: Wow, those hair and makeup professionals really knew their stuff. You look great.

N: Aww, shucks.

K: Nicole just added something else fabulous to her wardrobe, with only a little encouragement from me.

N: This is what was inside the box from Etsy.  It’s several yards of glorious 70’s polyester fabric made into a halter dress and feather-hooded coat that both fit me like a dream.  Look out for this in the very near future.

70s vintage dress hooded coat jacket evening gown polyester feather trimmed hood

K: She’s not the only one who got some vintage fashion love in the mail. Also from A Little Wicked, also vintage 70s polyester, Nicole sent me this sequined tube top jumpsuit. She’s the bibbity-bobbity-boost!

Vintage fashion is extra-special when it arrives by post.