Frivolous Universe

JEANS, BOOTS, and a BLAZER: How to Keep it Snazzy on a Lazy Sunday

Kelly: Jeans and boots are easy, too easy…

Nicole: So easy that you can stumble out of bed after one-too-many beers (which in my case, is 2), throw them on and ride your mechanical pony to brunch in 47 seconds.

K: When I’m pressed for time to pick an outfit that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to be photographed in, I almost always default to menswear. In this case, a plaid wool blazer layered over a distressed denim vest. No, resorting to wardrobe staples is not brilliantly creative, so I added wow accessories. Both gifts from fellow bloggers, this Indian silk scarf and vintage Turkic pendant are precious to me.

N: My outfit was put together so that I could easily change into work clothes.  I had to wear the black skinny jeans and Frye boots for work, so to make it more interesting I threw on this multi-colored floral blouse and navy blazer.

K: Ahem, we call this the gay pirate shirt, probably because it looks like Tobias would wear it.

K: Nicole’s navy blue blazer is by Luella Bartley for Target and used to be mine. The contrast stitching accentuates the tailoring and it has apple print lining! My jacket has a contrast fabric under the collar and the color palette of my scarf is repeated throughout the outfit. We never tire of saying it: Details, details, details.

N: The gay pirate shirt is vintage by Terry of Chicago, and has the most awesome colors and pattern and funky draped neckline.  With so much happening I didn’t want to overwhelm it with too many accessories, so I just stuck to these red square studs from Idaho Youth Ranch.

K: Don’t forget the creepy baby ring. Creeeeeepy….

K: My bottom layer is a 70s vintage Sears blouse in red and black check(?) print.

N: Love, love, love all the print mixing.

N: I hate to admit it, but my boring work jeans are Forever 21.  Please don’t judge me (too harshly). Boots are Frye, and worth every penny. Mine are finally starting to wear out a bit after 2+ years of continuous wear.

K: I’m on the Frye bandwagon too, even though we normally don’t advocate buying new.

K: My boo spotted my cowboy boots at the Idaho Youth Ranch on Chinden for $7.50 (holy shit) and she gave me these Levis cropped jeans after I repeatedly told her that her ass is too big for them. (It’s a spectacular ass, but that don’t make the jeans fit.) Also alpaca mitts, crocheted by me, and red leather purse, which was practically free at ReStyle.

N: Bundled up in my vintage wool coat (brand name un-readable…) and crocheted wrap made by boo.

K: Check out a different iteration of my outfit (jeans, boots and a blazer part 2) photographed yesterday by Thomas Lea at Boise Style. Yesterday was another lazy day. Bethany did a killer job on my pictures.

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