Frivolous Universe

PURSUING GUNNE SAX: Peg-Legged Woman Laughing Alone with Salad

Kelly: This blog is the kick-off – Why did I use a football metaphor? I don’t watch sports – to a week of vintage clothes from Pursuing Andie‘s Etsy shop. The FU brigade (sans Kim, and we had a sad) got to root through Andie’s treasures on Thursday for an I-wish-I-owned-this photo shoot. Nicole and I chose 70s vintage Gunne Sax dresses.

Nicole: These prettily-printed frocks are making me long for warmer weather…and a field of wild-flowers…and to dance like Rosie Cotton.

K: Indeed, and I should be serving mead in a Shire pub or dancing at the Renaissance fair with the madrigal singers and peg-legged sue the whip-wielder.

N: Difficult to make this ultra-feminine dress subtly-slutty…perhaps if I untie?

N: If you’re wondering what the little black lines peeking out of my shoe are, it’s a tattoo of one foot of iambic pentameter.

K: I really wish we had put on socks. Socks would better match the Victorian-ish aesthetic of the dress. My ankles look so naked!

N: Joanna Newsom loves Gunne Sax too.

K: Ever since I heard Joanna’s last album, Have One On Me, on NPR, I’ve been hooked. She writes highly-composed long-form bouncy ballads on the harp and piano, and as far as I’m concerned she’s one of the best female singer/songwriters out there. Back in the day when her voice was much squeakier, she wore tons of vintage prairie dresses.

K: I love this romantic white Gunne Sax dress I found on Opium Poppies.

K: When Bill and Hillary Clinton got married in 1975, Hillary wore an off-the-rack Gunne Sax by Jessica McClintock dress. So, apparently, she hasn’t always worn technicolor pantsuits, Anna.

October 11, 1975 Bill and Hillary Clinton Married

K: This photo shoot was a rush –  with six models, four of whom were also photographers, and one sweet pink baby that I got to squeeze – it’s remarkable we got pictures of everybody in time for happy hour. We only missed out on having a full body picture of Nicole with two legs and a nice face for the camera.

N: Well, a one-legged gunne-sacked me wouldn’t do, so we asked Jason to photoshop in a peg leg so I could hobble around. As long as he was adding the leg, we figured he might as well add a salad too.

K: Because nobody’s that happy unless they’re alone eating a salad.
