Frivolous Universe

BEFORE IT BLOWS AWAY: Light Layers and Holding onto Inspiration

Kelly: Creativity is fragile. The circumstances that invoke the creative mind are complex and difficult to control. It is the heartbreaking task of those of us who pursue a creative life to chase down the maddeningly fickle triggers of inspiration and try to regiment them. Often, it feels like trying to catch individual grains of sand blowing off the crests of the Bruneau Sand Dunes.

N: You gotta catch the inspiration quick, before it gets carried off in a spring drift. Creative moments are like cherry blossoms, beautiful and fleeting.

K: I realized a long time ago that I had a creative destiny, but I avoided that destiny for a few years after college by working soul-killing jobs . Since becoming a full-time creative being, I have learned so much about those diamond-in-the-rough moments of divine epiphany.

K: Being outdoors on a beautiful day will almost always activate my higher mind. Add to that the rebirth of Spring and warm sand sliding under my feet, it’s like inspiration serum.

N: My energy, mood and creativity also increase immensely with the start of spring.  I will be missing the inspiration Idaho gives in these warm months.  Spending my spring and summer days outside is vital to my emotional and artistic well-being.  Being surrounded by a thriving city offers its own creative energy, but I’ll miss nature for sure.  At least I have the waterfront 10 minutes from my house.  Nature bumps up against the city skyline.  I guess the view ain’t that bad…

K: Not knowing what the fickle weather would chose to do, I wore light layers to the sand dunes, a porous over-sized sweater and sheer floral kaftan, along with your basic bleached Canadian tuxedo: vest plus cut-offs, a look of my own invention. These items used to be jeans and a jean jacket in a wash that reeked of yesteryear. When inspiration whispered in my ear to alter them, you better believe I listened.

N: Yesterday I went down to the East River waterfront in Williamsburg.  It’s been much chillier this week in New York than the past two, but my brisk walk to meet my photographer/co-worker in time warmed me up enough to take off my sweatshirt.  Underneath: I was inspired by Anna’s NAKED post and layered my vintage slip under denim bustier (that used to be a dress) with floral print skirt.

K: Not to be underestimated in the creative process, Jeanne Giltzow gave me just enough direction and distraction to help me feel uninhibited for these pictures.

N: I’m sooo jealous of the bad-ass pictures you and the other girls got at the dunes.

N: I’m still trying to figure out my creative life in the city.  There is an amazing energy here, but I’m still trying to find my niche of like-minded (slightly nutty) people.  Until then, creating weird outfits that coordinate with Boo’s is a good way to keep the juices flowing.

K: Dirty!

N: What, I”m just showing off my socks!

We are fixed on a star. We will not change our minds.