Frivolous Universe

FLORAL PRINTS FOR SKIN: A Compendium of Spring-isms

Lord knows what Knuckle is up to. She’s probably on her way back from carousing on Coney Island. Fortunately, I’ve got a triple-serving of Spring floral to satisfy you. Outfit number one (pictured above) was worn to a friend’s wedding in Katheryn Albertson Park, photographed by Jason. Outfit “B” (for below) was worn because I will take any excuse to show my midriff this Spring, even if it’s just to pick up a left behind belt at a friend’s house.

And the last outfit was thrown on in anticipation of a photo-shoot, and is, in reality, not comfortable for around-the-town wear. (So shoot us, sometimes we fudge for the photo-friendly.)

My trice vibrant floral plus my forearm tattoo of Rocky Mountain wildflowers by Sean Wyett at Black Cat Tatoo make me think of these photographs by Peruvian artist, Cecilia Paredes.

Cecilia paints the floral prints on her skin, then photographs herself against the corresponding wallpaper (or whatever).

I made a major run to the Good Samaritan Store last week. That’s where I got the vintage embroidered maxi dress and floral polyester kimono. Everything I bought that day was covered in exuberant flowers.

The purple floral crop top is self-made, but perfectly matches the pink and purple floral shorts I found last season.

I made the beaded necklace and cuff by modifying bead stitches from the African Zulu tribe. The Boise Public Library rocks.

The reason I would probably never wear this outfit for reals is these sandals. They are stupid-uncomfortable, but so cute! The photographer, Anna D. and I both love a color palette with red and blue competing for top billing.

Jason took these pictures on Shay and Heather’s patio. I’m pretty sure Shay mildly mocked me for it.

I hope Anthony and Michelle live happily every after. I know this vintage dress and I will…

Be as delicate and gay
As a cherry flower in May.

-Dorothy Parker