Frivolous Universe


We are all in a state of flux at FU. Seismic turning points in our lives. I am so inspired by the grit and strength and resilience and creativity I see in each fashionable wonder-woman every day — in the face of it all.

I have been turning inward, retreating into my thoughts, trying to find the threads I need to weave together to make a total transformation. Through yoga (which I finally started to do intensively a few months ago), I am discovering focus (and so much more). Through focus, I am finally writing. Through writing, I am accessing my inner worlds.

In my inner worlds: the planet Melancholia.

Melancholia is a Lars Von Trier film starring Kirsten Dunst. In the beginning of the movie, she’s spiraling into a cataclysmic depression on the day of her wedding.

Turns out not to be a perfectly rational reaction to marriage, but in fact, her presage of the end of the world. The planet Melancholia is on a perilous collision course with Earth.

Resurfacing in my own solar system: the deep-seated depression and shyness that once pervaded my night sky for over a decade. Black hole. Black hole.

But this time, its gravity won’t take me in. Because I know now that if I am just an insignificant life-form on a benign and spinning planet in outer space (and there is not, in fact, an astrological object on a collision course with Earth), then I am so damn lucky to be here.

To see amazing films about the sky.

Like Venus in transit across the sun this week.

To continue to plumb this frivolous universe. Diane Fries silk dress 1980s (Acquired Again Antiques, Hyde Park in Boise), $20 (on sale from $48). Cappagallo navy leather pumps (gift from Anna).

The journey is the destination. It ain’t over, ’til it’s over.

Or… It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine).

I took these photos, real slowly.