how to play hooky and still satisfy your catholic guilt…..
So….I’m playing FU hooky this week. It’s hot, it’s summer, work is nutty, and I don’t feel like posting. But some of my mother’s Catholic upbringing must have trickled down into my otherwise non-denominational blood, because I just can’t bring myself to not post something. So…to appease my self-flagellating tendencies….I give you…… SCENTSY ADS. Yep, that is correct. I was a Scentsy model…………behold. enjoy. laugh your ass off. it’s okay…..really……..I know I did!
Keep reading:
Winter blahs bested by blankets, fuzzies, armor and Mary Poppins' carpet bag
Ladies Don't Climb in Dresses! (FU in Tree, on Fire Escape)
DESSERT DRESSING: Mixed Berries, Mint, and Accessories By ME!