Frivolous Universe

REFERENTIAL HEAVEN: Vintage Wrap Around Skirt-as-Dress and Scarf-as-Top

Nicole:  Ok, you first this week

Kelly:  I’m on it

K:  wtf is this blog about?

N:  Uhhhhhhh….

K:  Can’t find shit about the vintage brand of this skirt, Marsha Los Angeles. Any brainwaves?

N:  No…Let’s just write nonsense between pics

K:  Cha chi cha chi cha!

N:  Coo-coo-ca-cha!

N:  I’m looking for info about the brand of these hot shorts, Broderick Official Gym Wear, but can’t find any.

K:  Damn it! What can we bite from? I’m fishing through my photos

N:  Um, patriotic colors?

K:  :(

N:  We’ll just put the lyrics to the national anthem spread out between our pictures.

K: I like this illustrator, Riikka Sormunen.

N:  those are great.

K:  But I have no idea how we could use them. Still looking.

N: We should include this link about tying a scarf as a top.

N:  And there’s the scarf as shirt pic you showed me the other day.

K:  Yes! But what about Smee?

N:  Smee? The Boo box.

K:  No! Not the Boo Box! NOOOOOnoooo OOONOOO! AAaahaahaha! You can’t do this to me! I’m Glenn Close!

N:  No one even knows that! I hate, I hate, I hate Peter Pan!

K:  Why did you stop making out with me?

N:  Cause Dustin Hoffman turns me on more.


N:  Don’t cry, you’re killin’ my boner.

K:  But your boner makes me cry.

N:  Shit, I have to get ready in like 30 minutes.

K:  Well, Jesus-balls! We should just use the text of our chat for the last half hour.

N:  We SO should.

K: I’ll knock something up.

N:  Something or some one?

And that was your behind-the-scenes look at writing an FU blog from Kelly and Nicole.