Frivolous Universe


Being the neo-Luddite that I am, I just managed to accidentally erase the photos I took for today’s post. Thank goodness I have backup. And by backup I mean some old skool photos from an external hard drive, confirming that I have been criss-crossing the globe in the cherry dress I wore in last week’s post–SNAPSHOTS FROM THE IRRETRIEVABLE–for over a decade.

Here I am studying at Cambridge in the same Free People dress. I think I’m all of 24. Acrylic fibers must have the half-life of plutonium.

And here I am at the Bruneau Canyon overlook in Idaho circa 2000. I like to wear my favorite clothes until they disintegrate, at which time I find a way to work them into a quilt. And just for kicks, because I’m in the thick of photo library nostalgia right now, an ancient pic of myself on a long-forgotten LA beach by my favorite photographer and pal, Lydia Burkhalter:

Gosh I miss those cherry red Asics Tigers! Check out the ghost surfers behind my head. I hope everyone is enjoying that summer feeling, and I promise to be back to the future in next week’s post.