Frivolous Universe

The point of no return……thrash, dive, play dead…..just don’t believe the hype.

Here’s how I feel today:

magnolia tattoo, visual arts collective, story story late-night, bag dress, pocket dress, slip is showing, vintage net shoesThe lady with the flowers on her arm says “meh”

Most days, I feel a bit more like……

Hazel Cox necklace, pretty purple dress, purple frockGazing with conviction toward the future…….onward and upward, and all that….

There comes a point when turning around is no longer an option; when you’ve invested so much time, love, energy, hope, (insert appropriate noun here), that taking it back or starting anew simply doesn’t make sense. Best to just push the hell forward….onward……because it takes a lot more guts to see a life choice through til the end than to push the reset button.

slip is showing, nude slip, summer heels, summer vintage shoes

To quote the great political-philosophical teachings of Public Enemy, “Don’t believe the hype.” All that new-age garbage about recreating yourself whenever you want and following your dreams at whatever cost is a whole lot of hype. If you make a choice, see it through til the end. When things get rough, that’s when the real learning begins.

A good friend of mine told me recently that one of the reasons she values having me in her life so much is that, for as stubborn and headstrong as I can be, when I make a mistake I own it and apologize. That’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever received, and I think it’s an important aspect of seeing plans through til the end – you build and mend, build and mend, and at some point you find yourself in a place better than where you started. Or at the very least, in a different space with a new perspective.

Thanks for the photos, Bethany Walter.

Dress: Mixie Clothing
Slip: no tags, thrift store find
Shoes: no label, vintage store find
Necklace & Earrings: Hazel Cox
Glasses: Salt Optics