Frivolous Universe

Fashion Role Model ADA KOKOSAR: Worship the Untrendy with Minimalistic Neutrals

Stylist and fashion consultant Ada Kokosar always surprises me. She never seems to echo any current runway trends in her style, but marches (as Hanneli Mustaparta put it) to the beat of her own drum. She anchors her outfit in minimalistic neutrals before going off the deep end with the most unexpected shapes and texture combinations. I love the contrast of three shiny black textures in the above outfit. Below, harem pant with a boxy, asymmetrical jacket… it’s so chic, it hurts.

I’m so over summer, I might as well be orbiting earth for these last few weeks of heat. I would prefer the chill of space over another summer tennis skirt. Give me boxy silhouettes and loafers! I just bought a plain long-sleeve white silk shirt at ReStyle that is stiff as a paper bag. I can’t wait to pair it with a straight skirt and imitate Ada’s above-it-all style. Unsexy and untrendy to the max.

See more pictures of Ada here, here, here, and here.

Pictures from Stockholm Streetstyle, Trendy Crew, Hanneli Mustaparta, and Easy Fashion.