Frivolous Universe

Fashion Role Models in the RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Ulyana, Miroslava, Elena, and Vika

I don’t know what it is about Russia – It probably has something to do with the horribly oppressive laws that still put people in jail for speaking against the government (see: Pussy Riot) – but Russia has historically put out phenomenal literature (Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Bulgakov) and, more recently, spectacular fashion. Above from left to right, designer Ulyana Sergeenko, editor Miroslava Duma, model Elena Perminova, and designer Vika Gazinskaya demonstrate all things wise and wonderful about Russian aesthetics. Fresh, bold, and ballsy, Miroslava, Elena and Vika are all wearing Vika’s designs. Ulyana dons her own nostalgic creations.

These women are so utterly perfect in their fashion sense that I will address them each individually in future blogs, but, for now, observe them in their natural state – exponentially increasing each others’ visual impact by appearing in public together.

Seriously, what is it about Russians?