Frivolous Universe

COMMUTER! Mixing Bike-Friendly and Work-Friendly Fashion


As Jerms covered this week in the Mitchell + Palmer blog, I am now a full-on bike commuter. This creates a fashion challenge.  Because I gots to look fierce, especially in the ultra-image-conscious ad world, but I also want to be comfortable on my vintage Schwinn (Holla, Boise Bike Project!). In pursuit of this goal, I find my work-fashion moving more and more towards simplicity – few or no accessories, monochromatic color palettes, durable fabrics, and relaxed fit.


This outfit is inspired by our very own Mad Mitchell, who rocks denim-on-denim like you wouldn’t believe. (Although, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be caught dead in ’90s jeans.) All pieces were purchased at Deseret Industries in Twin Falls last weekend.

Coldwater Creek Denim shirt – Vintage Levis (cut-off by me) – Cole Haan Leather Loafers

Alrighty, now back to the grind…