Frivolous Universe

THE 45th PARALLEL: Dressing between the North Pole and the Equator

All winter I ruminated on the past like a dog rolling over in something dead.


Tentative mountains springs teach us that there is a boundary zone between the old life and the new. Snow clings on peaks. Lupine blossoms in the sage when it’s still cold enough for fox fur.


In a sage forest the witch casts her spell.


That some people will die before we can see where they came from.


April in Hailey, Idaho. You can rock in the red chair on the front porch of the house Ezra Pound was born in.


The Parallel is an imaginary line, invoked by signage. On one side we are closer to Helsinki, on the other side, Kuala Lumpur.


In May we test the mountain roads. They are almost passable.


And spring arrives like a Cymbalta ad, full of hyperbolic promises.


turquoise sweatshirt: James Perse; teal green jeans: Russian Market, Phnom Penh; wool hat: Calvin Klein; Thai silk top: vintage; turtle amulet: Amulet Market, Bangkok; black cargo pants: Paige; black coat: Made in the Ukraine; Spanish riding boots: Frye; fox fur collared coat: charity shop, London


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Photography: Ned Evett