Frivolous Universe


One year ago, I was fortunate enough to be laid off. It was the confirmation and nudge I needed to reexamine my life’s direction. I had been living a responsible and comfortable life without a strong sense of passion or commitment. I decided the most important thing for me to do next was figure out what I wanted. I made my first commitment to dedicating a whole year of my life to exploring and playing.

Jeanology jean jump suite, neck scarf, and Gianni Binni leather heels

Jean jumpsuit: Jeanology, thrift store

I found this jumpsuit in a thrift store brand new with tags still on it. Shame on you whoever didn’t embrace the awesomeness of wearing jean from head to toe.

Jeanology jean jump suite, neck scarf, and Gianni Binni leather heels

Vintage scarf: Mia Mama, i.e. I took this from my mom’s closet probably 15 years ago

Today I am scared to say that I know what I want. I say scared because once you know what you want it is difficult to settle for anything less. There are two options in life 1) play it safe or 2) go after your dreams.

Jeanology jean jump suite, scarf in hair, and Gianni Binni leather heels

Might as well tell all of you what I want since we are all close friends right? I want to be independent, keep building this blog with my friends, grow as a fashion/editorial/fine art photographer, and travel. To fuel this dream, I want to continue designing for local businesses, because hey I’m good at it and I love helping other people grow their businesses and their passions. You might even see me around town working a part time job.

Jeanology jean jump suite, neck scarf, and Gianni Binni leather heels

Brown leather heels: Gianni Bini, Dillard’s 2 years ago

Jeanology jean jump suite, neck scarf, and Gianni Binni leather heels

Can I get an amen?

The photographer Kelly loves this image for its religious implications.

Jeanology jean jump suite, neck scarf, and Gianni Binni leather heels

Cha cha cha
From front, to side, to back, I love me a good jumpsuit.

Jeanology jean jump suite, neck scarf, and Gianni Binni leather heels

Photographer: Kelly Lynae Robinson

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain