Frivolous Universe

ICE CREAM COLORS AND CONEY ISLAND: We Accessorize with the Sun

Nicole: Since moving to New York I’ve made it my rule to always say yes whenever I’m presented with an opportunity to try something new. This Sunday I said yes to joining a couple co-workers in starting a three day juice cleanse.  This is probably much needed after last Sunday, when a big group of us took a day trip down the N train to the magical place known as Coney Island.  For my day of excessive eating and day drinking(can you say 42 ounce beers for $6.50?), I wore my recently thrifted orange tie-dye tank.

Kelly: Since Nicole moved to New York, I’ve made a point to never say no to a creative impulse, no matter how strange. Just over a month ago, I randomly popped into a bead store and bought a loom. Since then, I’ve been learning loom and off-loom bead weaving techniques out of library books.

K: This piece – I call it the Ice Cream Cone Ribbon – is adapted off a pattern in Diane Fitzgerald’s book, Zulu Inspired Beadwork, using the South African tribe’s hexagon netting. I chose not to add a closure or fringe, preferring the versatility and simplicity of a “ribbon” over a necklace.

N: It’s so pretty!  And dainty!  Wee!

N: While at Coney Island I picked up a great new accessory…a $2.00 rosary that matched my teal skinny jeans perfectly! Here I am picking it out from the little old man selling them.

N: I am also telling him that I don’t believe in God but I think they are pretty. He doesn’t care.

K: Lately, I have been full-on rocking the cobweb hair. Before we went to The King and I on Thursday night, my mother delicately asked if I was planning on brushing my hair. Nope. I have decided that it is beautiful. Mostly because it is easy, and easy is beautiful. Like Nicole.

N: I’m Nicole Orabona and I approve that message.

N: I didn’t brush my hair either.  If anyone hadn’t noticed, I also  shaved off a quarter of it about a month ago.  I think it helps show off the silver and turquoise earrings my roommate gave me.  They were given to her by her former roommate.  Sisterhood of the traveling earrings!

N: Alejandra and I are indeed holding 42 ounces of beer in those plastic cups.  Big smiles for big beers.  Alejandra also captured all the great Coney Island moments. (except this one, obvs.)  I moved on from the giant beer to deep fried zucchini, onion rings, jalapeno poppers, cheese fries and cinnamon pretzels and more beer.  The non-vegetarians gobbled up kosher wieners on a stick.  No wonder I need a juice cleanse…

K: Speaking of junk food, Jason picked out my color palette of strawberry, chocolate, mint, and caramel. These ice cream colors scream summer to me, and eerily match a couple of my vintage floral tops.

N: Not nearly as eerie as creepy Gerber Baby ring…

K: Word. What are you more creeped out by: creepy baby ring or my feet? (Knucks is a major foot-phob.)

N: I dance away from you and your feet.

K:  My feet are happy in green grass and sunshine. They don’t need your approval.

Sunshine is the best accessory.