Kelly: Dis ma new coat. It reminds me of Ms. Onassis. Rest assured, I will not wear it with nearly so much class and dignity. In fact, I might cut out dignity altogether. Jackie Oh no she did not get that for eight dollars!

Nicole: While Kelly sasses up her class, I’m gonna class up my trash. I think it’s quite possible my newly thrifted leather bustier once belonged to a 90’s hooker.

K: I got this coat with Kim and Bethany in Mountain Home last week. We hit up St. Vincent’s something fierce, and I walked away with this union-made, mink-collared beauty. And yes, I was for real, only $7.99. Scores like this make the hand-cramps that come from carrying too many hangers at a thrift store all worthwhile.
N: Not to mention the gross gray hanger fingers…eww.

N: Friday was my 25th birthday (who-hoo! Quarter of a century!), so got myself a prezie! I picked up the bustier from Vice Versa on Bedford, because really, what screams “every day I wake up it feel like my fucking birfday” quite like white leather?

K: My birthday isn’t for another month, so it was a wonderful surprise when Bethany gave me this jangley Middle Eastern necklace last week. I marvel at Bethany’s unflinching generosity. She inspires me to be more willing to part with my treasures. I love how this necklace reads like elaborate costume jewelry and makes music whenever I move. I also love the contrast of skinny jeans, suede shirt, and bold antique silver next to such a soft, ladylike coat.

N: Kelly designed and made me this ah-mazing beaded fringe necklace for our 10 year boo-iversary. I love how it modernized my ultra-90’s high-waisted pants and bustier combo. I also love how the blue really pops against the solid red bottom half and otherwise red and white palate.

K: Our day trip to Mountain Home was much-needed salve for my soul. The cold landscape, hot tea, gracious hosts, and pickled eggs gave me clarity and perspective in an otherwise trying time in my life.

N: I am jealous of your escapade and the awesome scores and photos that came with it. Luckily for me my roommate and I are going upstate today to do a little thrifting. The hurricane has really turned the flow of the city upside down in every way. While I am grateful to have made it through the storm with nothing but an inconvenient commute for a few days, it will still be nice to get away from this crazy town for an afternoon. Pictures to come of what we find!

K: Just don’t blow your wad before I get there on December 1st, mmmmkay?
N: Not unless it’s buying something for your December 2nd birthday!

This post has been brought to you by Nicole’s Ass.