Frivolous Universe

Tag "American Apparel"

Nicole: I see absolutely nothing wrong with wearing shiny leggings during daylight hours

K: Nor should you! I wore those leggings today with silver sneakers. Here are two vintage items we picked up in Chicago: your teal belt, which matches my bra and necklace perfecto, and this fakey fur vest. Do you realize how many muppets had to die?!

N: I’m sure not nearly as many as were sacrificed for Pandora and Mimi’s eleganza.

N: Leggings and a tunic are a pretty basic silhouette, but they make for a good vintage shopping outfit since you can try things on over them easily.  So if you’re gonna go basic, at least make it sparkly!

K: And how! My outfit would be tres predictable if I left it to a black tee and jeans, but my fuzzy vest, flat cap, and exposed bra take it to a higher plane… or to a sluttier plane, as the case may be… (Check out Kim’s exposed bra here.)

N: Always always take it to a sluttier plane if possible.  There’s not much slut to this outfit, but I really like the weird layering of the pink shiny sweater vest over your tunic.

K: Let’s see, what didn’t we tell about Chicago? Most everything. We went to a gay bar to watch the season premier of the new Rupaul’s Drag Race last Monday night. It was amazing, everyone was cheering for their favorite queens. Now I know what normal people must feel like watching their favorite football team in a sports bar.

N: We also saw three great shows.  44 Plays for 44 Presidents, Metamorphoses, and In Pigeon House.  Would definitely recommend all three to anyone in Chicago at the mo, but especially In Pigeon House, which features a fellow Boise State alum!

K: Yeah, Ira Amyx pretty much kicked ass from curtain to curtain. What else?  Oh yeah, we ate LOTS of food. Italian, Southwestern, Russian, Nepalese, Lebanese, and vegetarian.

N: All in all a pretty great trip.  And our hostel roof deck made a great hang out/photo shoot/late night chat spot.

K: And place for you to pose like an American Apparel model. You are wearing their leggings…

Kelly was definitely being the butch one in this photoshoot.


Bethany: Kelly, did you ever dress up the same as your best friend in high school and say twinners?

Kelly: Um, Nicole and I never go out in public together unless we look like we just stepped off the same runway. In these outfits, you and I could have been in the same 90s ensemble-cast drama. What’s your damage, Heather?!

B: Looking back, I remember my friends being embarrassed to be wearing the same thing. Even wearing the same color made them embarrassed. Interesting because now the friends I have wouldn’t care. I also consider the friends I have now to be more supportive and less competitive.

K: Yo, it’s a good thing you gots some new friends. People who believe they have something to be ashamed of feel embarrassed about anything. But a confident person can pull off anything. Perfect examples: my suede high-waisted pleated shorts (wtf?) and your 90s platform boots. Who cares about being in style or on trend? How boring!


B: So true. Having your own style has it perks. I got these “out-of-date” Steve Madden boots made of quality leather and wood heels for only $6.75 at Restyle. As Alexander McQueen says:

“It’s a new era in fashion – there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.”

Alexander McQueen Fall Collecti0n 2009

K: Grrrrrl, in that case, we got it going on! You wearing Jason’s bowler hat, me in my American Apparel grid dress worn as a top, we are the epitome of dressing without rules – only an eye for what works. It’s called anachronism, baby. Get into it.

B: Definitely. This robe-like coat I am borrowing from you (vintage Anne Klein II, $3 from Restyle) paired with my Lucca Couture floral romper ($14 from The Lux Fashion Lounge) and layered with these American Apparel lacey bike shorts echo the silhouettes of Vera Wang’s pre-Fall 2012 collection. Not bad for just playing around. Shopping at thrift stores and being able to mix several decades and varying styles of garments together is way better than spending thousands of dollars to get the same look from top designers.

K: Lead me to a land before time, er, a land without time. No. A land where all times and the associated fashions exist together. Yeah…

Bethany took these pictures with a little remote in her hand. Nifty!



Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter

I’m back in ‘Merica for a spell and what a strange place. I took my time getting here. When I arrived in Pasadena to stay the night at a friend’s house, wild green parrots were flying overhead–the raucous descendants of a pair that had been released in the city decades ago. As the tropical birds flew across the silhouettes of transplanted palm trees, I thought about how few of us stay in our place these days–not even the filial-minded Chinese.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

During a 13-hour layover in Seoul, I dropped by Changdeokgung Palace and became obsessed with these morphic, almost abstract figures above the palace eaves. It was a clear September day, and after Bangkok the city felt like a wilderness retreat. I was no longer living between two open jackhammer-happy construction pits. The Koreans spoke to one another in subdued, melodious tones. Seoul, Thank God, was already constructed.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

The one thing I bought in Seoul is this soft straw hat. I love the way the sun filters through its floppy eaves. The hat is both a concrete and amorphous roof for the head.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

An Italian bike, Bangkok-minimart plastic shoes, a Chinese tattoo inked in New Orleans. We’re all mixed up these days and filled with the nonsensical squawks of parrots, political chatter. I’m beginning to agree with Hemingway in that there are many words I cannot stand to hear, and finally only the names of places have dignity.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

Bangkok, Seoul, Pasadena, Idaho, Bianchi, Dodge Dart, Bethany.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

Photographs by Bethany Walter

bike: Bianchi; car: Dodge Dart; cargo pants: Paige; cotton shirt: American Apparel; straw hat: somewhere in Seoul at the base of the mountains; plastic shoes: Jelly Bunny; wood-bead bracelets: a gift from a child at Angkor Wat

