Frivolous Universe

Tag "high-waisted pants"


During the day Tuesday, Kelly and I were out scouting for office space. Our needs are pretty simple. We want a place with a window, historic architecture, a chalk board wall, sushi next door, a patio, a chihuahua pug mix puppy prancing around, and a space shared with other creatives. We are getting pretty close to finding exactly what we want.



After working for the rest of afternoon, Kelly spinning words and I designing a website, we headed downtown to the Boise River to shoot photos. I’m falling in love with Boise all over again. There is never a shortage of places to photograph. I spotted this rock bed a few days earlier and made a mental note to visit it later.



Excuse me as I stand here for 1.5 seconds with no pants. This purple silk Kimichi blouse, or to some a dress, is something I bought a couple of years ago at Urban Outfitters and used to wear with leggings. I’m obsessed with layering my clothes to get new outfits, dresses tucked into pants, skirts over dresses, and tops over jump suites.



These lovely thrifted silk Rena Rowan pants I inherited from Kelly. She has a rule that if something looks better on someone else, in this case has bigger hips and waist, they should have it. I try to be a generous person but this philosophy of Kelly’s stretches me. But I have learned that it feels good to let go, especially if it makes someone else happy.




This thick leather Banana Republic belt I also inherited from Kelly. It is perfect for hiding the awkward elastic waistband of my blouse and it does not dwarf my torso too bad. My jingling earrings are from Afghanistan and I purchased them on an Armor Bijoux buying trip. I like how the bits of white echo my blouse.




Since I paired silk with silk, it made sense to couple leather woven belt with leather woven wood sandals. Details, details, details. I got these sandals from the GAP 7 years ago. I like to think of the fact that I still have them not as being a pack rat but rather having timeless taste. Cough.


Do you have any photos of thrifted outfits you have layered? I’d love to see them and share in one of FU’s next posts. Email them to


Photographer: Kelly Lynae Robinson



Please do not spend your last two paychecks to give me some traditional gold jewelry with diamonds.

Instead give me the necklace with brass heads that represents, “I killed five people.” It means more.

This necklace was made by a Naga tribe from the Tibetan area. They used to be headhunters and would preserve heads of their enemies until the 19th century. Christian missionaries came along and taught them that headhunting was not fashionable anymore. Kill joys.

When it comes to vintage clothing and jewelry and thrift store shopping, there are no rules to what is fashionable except for the ones I make for myself.

Rules I have adopted since vintage and thrift store fashion:

1. Not much is worth spending more than $5-$10
2. Size does not matter as much with the right belt/accessories
4. Fabric quality is more important than brand names
5. Fashion is whatever makes my body look its best not what everyone else is wearing
6. Fashion does not have to cost a lot of money
7. Fashion is experimentation: shirts as skirts, skirts as dresses, belts as bracelets, belts as head-dresses, petite pants as high-waisted crop pants, and . . .

scarfs as shirts

StreetCred Naga Head Hunter necklace


Petite pants as high-waisted crop pants: Hanson & Harrold, thrift store
Knit vest: Two Twenty, thrift store
Scarf as shirt: no label, thrift store
Vinyl platforms: Bamboo, Lux Fashion Lounge (second-hand)
Vintage headhunter necklace: Nagaland, Armor Bijoux


Colorful tights and high waisted pants with white blouse

We are what we pretend to be  . . .
-Kurt Vonnegut

Over time I have gotten the compliment that I can pull off looks that others can’t. I wonder sometimes if their comment means that they aren’t wearing what they truly want to wear. Maybe this is because they don’t want to look like posers.

How I dress isn’t always about expressing who I am but who I want to be or how I want to feel. If I want to feel more bold, friendly, and energetic then I might put on a colorful outfit on a day when I really feel like a recluse. In Michael Michalko’s article You Become What You Pretend To Be, he gives examples of famous artists such as Michelangelo who faked being something they weren’t and in turn evolved into it. Outfits are just costumes that allow me to pretend to be something I’m not yet.

Red high waisted pants, turquoise tights, white blouse, ethnic earrings, and wedge boots from Urban Outfitters Colorful high waisted pants: S.P. II, thrift store
(I didn’t let the high water length of these pants from keeping me from wearing them.)
Wedge boots: Denna & Ozzy

Last Friday night when I was wearing this outfit, Anna hosted a cocktail hour and invited Kelly, Jess and I over to peruse vintage costume jewelry. The evening progressed into a night of dancing over at the Red Room with DJ Shay.

Red high waisted pants, turquoise tights, white blouse, ethnic earrings, and wedge boots from Urban OutfittersXL Ivory blouse with draping neckline: handmade, thriftstore
Woven black leather belt: thrift store

If you want to pretend to be uninhibited and carefree, go dancing.

Check out this video from Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby, makes an analogy between starting the dance floor and starting a movement.

 Armor Bijous lapis earrings from Kazahkstan and lapis and silver braceletEthnic Kazahkstan lapis and pearl earrings: Armor Bijoux
Lapis and silver bracelet: gift from Kim

Red high waisted pants, colorful tights, wedge boots, thrift store fashion, white blouse

Thank you to Marcus for shooting these photos.

Marcus Pierce photographed by Bethany Walter

Artist: Marcus Pierce
