Frivolous Universe

Tag "Jay Munly"

Lupercalia, how to wear dramatic eye makeup, Remus and Romulus, Valentine's Day origins, velvet pants, antique jewelry, Victorian jewelry, Afghanistan jewelry, silver bracelet cuff, thrift store fashion, Idaho fashion

Once upon a time, there were two twin brothers named Romulus and Remus. They were the product of a lusty affair between the high priestess Rhea Silvia and the war-god Mars. Once born, the twins were flung into the Italian wildlands by Rhea Silvia’s power-hungry husband, Amulius, who feared imminent overthrow by his wife’s half-god love-children. In a strange twist of fate, the infants were discovered by a she-wolf, and instead of acting on her predatory disposition, she felt moved by motherly instincts and carried them back to her lupercal, or “wolf cave”, where she suckled them into immense adolescent strength. So strong, in fact, that upon reaching adulthood, they returned to their birthplace, hastily dispatched of Amulius, and immediately set to work laying structural plans for a city. The brothers disagreed on the location of their new empire, leading to a tremendous fraternal quarrel that landed Remus in the grave and Romulus in the seat of power. Hence where we get the city’s name – Rome. Or so the story goes….

Lupercalia, cropped velvet riding pants, riding breeches, black velvet, Old Navy, spiked high heels, Lovely People shoes, antique jewelry, thrift store fashion, Idaho fashionLupercalia is an ancient Roman festival celebrated on the 13-15th of February, with the biggest day of celebrations being on the 15th (which, by they way, is where Ides of March comes from – in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus slays Caesar one month to the day after the Lupercalia festivities. et tu, Brute?….) The name Lupercalia stems from “lupus” – which is Latin for “wolf” – and is a direct nod to the legend of Romulus and Remus and the she-wolf. As with any worthwhile Roman festival, the traditional celebration included a glut of nudity and animal sacrifice.

In ancient Rome, March marked the start of the new year, and so February was seen as the month for cleansing and starting anew. The three days of Lupercalia represented a time to cleanse one’s home, but more importantly, it was a time to celebrate and encourage fertility. Young men, called the “luperci”, would run naked through the streets with goatskin thongs just cut from their freshly sacrificed goat, and they would whip the women who lined up along the streets, baring their backs and thighs to the luperci. The goat has long been considered a symbol of sexuality and virility, so receiving a lashing from the skin of a freshly sacrificed goat was thought to invigorate a woman’s fertility.

Organically Grown, Old Navy, Lovely People, antique jewelry, vintage, dramatic eye makeup, thrift store fashionAs is the case with most of the holidays we so readily celebrate without question of origin or intention, Lupercalia is the predecessor of Valentine’s Day. Before all those hearts and flowers and obligatory declarations of love turned us into Hallmark saps, we used to strip newly sacrificed goats of their skin and whip each other for the sake of fertility and the pursuit of a fresh start. Take your pick…….

The Villager, Organically Grown, vintage clothing, thrift store shopping, Oscar de la Renta silk scarf, Lovely PeopleIn honor of Lupercalia, I dressed this week in an outfit I thought befitting of a she-wolf: vintage ‘70’s Grey wool jacket by The Villager; jet-black cropped velvet riding pants by some unfortunately named company called Organically Grown; feminine yet minimalistic ruffled black top by Old Navy; splendid silk scarf in muted reds, blues, and golds with a Roman Greco style pattern by Oscar de la Renta; and some seriously spiked heels by Lovely People.

cropped velvet riding pants, cropped pants style, vintage style heelsI felt this theme deserved jewelry worthy of wearing in honor of such an important festival as Lupercalia, so I chose a Victorian era choker made of silver, crystal, and pearls, which once belonged to my great-grandmother; rhinestone stud earrings that once belonged to my manfriend’s great-grandmother; an Afghanistan silver cuff bracelet, which I borrowed from Bethany Walter of Armor Bijoux; and a silver and tourmalated quartz ring given to me by an old friend.

Afghanistan silver cuff, vintage tribal jewelry, antique jewelry, tourmalated quartz, crystal necklace, Victorian era choker, rhinestone earrings styleIt’s worth noting that I would never have thought to look up the history of Lupercalia if it were not for the breathtakingly talented band, Munly & the Lupercalians. This group is a project from Jay Munly, and they’re in the midst of creating a series of albums chronicling the “original” story of Peter and the Wolf. Album #1 is complete, and well worth listening to. If you’ve read my December blog titled “The day I met Munly….” you know that I would say anything Munly creates is worth listening to, but in the spirit of Lupercalia, I implore you – take a moment to experience his music, and be sure to lash your loved one with a little goatskin today.

Thanks to Bethany and Kelly for another amazing day of frivolity in fashion and photos, and to Kelly Mollere at Tanzanite Salon for being a wizard with them hair cuttin sheers!






“It was one of them days, yes the first Thursday of the new month….” – the opening lyrics of River Forktine Tippecanoe – one of the more compelling of many extraordinary songs on Munly and the Lee Lewis Harlots’ self-titled album.

As it happens, the day I met Jay Munly was the first Thursday of December. Our interaction went something like this:

Me (approaching with awkward slowness and foolish grin): Can I make a request, or do you have a set list that you’re sticking to tonight?
Munly (tall, lean frame bending to better hear my quiet question): Well, you can make a request, but if it isn’t on my playlist I won’t play it.
Me (nervous laugh, still grinning): Oh, that’s fine, I understand. I’m completely thrilled to hear whatever you play. I’m just so happy you’re here.
Munly (accommodating his nervous fan – good man): Just out of curiosity, what would you have requested?
Me: Bird and/or Cat, from your Lupercalians album (duh. Like he doesn’t know which album his songs are on). I really love that album, by the way.
Munly: Oh, thank you (sounding genuinely grateful for the compliment, generic though it was).
Me (feeling desperately awkward but not wanting to part from the moment…this is where I get weird, by the way): I had a really shitty fuckin day today….I didn’t know you were here in town, but a friend of mine called and said you were playing, so I put on my big girl boots and made myself come out for a bit. I’m so incredibly thrilled you’re here. Thank you so much for coming to Boise. Really makes me happy….so anyway, thanks again for being here. I think you’re brilliant….

And with that, before I could catch a glimpse of what I’m sure was an utterly befuddled expression on his wonderfully gaunt face, I ran away to breathe and down a stiff drink. Who the heck talks about her “big girl boots” to Munly? Me….sigh.

Munly, along with a host of other exceptionally talented musicians such as Slim Cessna and David Eugene Edwards, is saddled with the honor of having developed the Denver Sound. This remarkable genre of gothic Americana country has stolen my soul and wrested my heart, and no one renders me willing to surrender soul and heart for the sake of music better than Munly.

During Munly’s set, I stood just to the left of the stage, finding a space where I could experience his sound alone, without the distraction of friends and small talk. How anyone could make a peep during his playing is something I can’t begin to comprehend, yet there were several birdbrains squawking away in the darkened corners of the bar, woefully unaware of what they were witnessing. I think Munly sensed their lacking too – he didn’t play for long. But while he sat upon that black Neurolux stage, I stood fixed to the floor by the humble splendor of his unbridled genius.

Post script: I have always been irresistibly drawn to the banjo. It’s unfortunate that Deliverance has forever marred the commanding beauty of this instrument with ghastly visions of squealing piggies. The banjo possesses a sound that is at once complex and clear. Munly is one of the few modern musicians who has truly mastered its incredible diversity and distinction.

Last spring, my dear manfriend was kind enough to buy me a banjo for my birthday. I can barely play Hot Cross Buns on the beloved thing, but I pluck away whenever I gain the courage to pick it up…..I can play the flute, but it’s a long, arduous journey from wind to string….one I’m happy to take, be it at a turtle’s pace….

By the way, these stunning photographs are courtesy of the magnificently talented Bethany Walter. She slays me with her vision every week.

Jacket: Suede – purchased by my mother in the 70’s.
Blouse: Polyester – thrift store find.
Skirt: Velvet – given to me by Jessica and Kelly, fellow FU stunners.
Boots: Leather – purchased new from Frye.
Necklace/Earrings: Hazel Cox (who else?)

The photographer’s favorite photo of the bunch……….
