Frivolous Universe

Tag "New York Times"

Ho-hum skinny jeans and tank top collide with red coral and turquoise Tibetan breastplate:

Kim Philley, Armor Bijoux, Frivolous Universe, FU, http://, Bangkok, AXARA Paris, street style, Asia street style

The New York Times says the fall runways abound in “harmonious collisions“–Ruth La Ferla’s elegant euphemism for fashion mashups. I was feeling a bit the collision myself last night after jumping off Evel Knievel’s motorcycle (a.k.a, the Thai moto-taxi who drove me down Chong Nongsi doing a breezy 65mph).

Ten months ago, I left 90% of my wardrobe in a restaurant storage closet in Phnom Penh. Long backstory. Cambodia being tropical temperature, my beloved clothes proceeded to grow technicolor mold. My good friend has been assiduously removing the Spore Life with a spray bottle of grain alcohol and water, and will be arriving in Bangkok tonight with my resurrected clothes in tow. Which brings me to the subject of today’s post: What to wear when you’re waiting on your fashion mule:

Kim Philley Armor Bijoux Frivolous Universe, FU, Bangkok, Axara Paris, Gentic Denim, Fly Now, Soda Water

Tank top: J. Crew

Skinny jeans: Genetic Denim (Fancy Pants, Boise)

Soda water is perfectly legal, but there should be a law against dry cleaners that close at 6pm. Yesterday I ran out of clothes–shirts that don’t double as underwear; jeans that hadn’t been worn so many times they stand on their own two legs. When you must wear something predictable and shopworn, pair it with an over-the-top ethnic breastplate. I received a lot of compliments yesterday on my mashup. As long as the coworker wasn’t within whiffing distance, I nodded a demure “thank you.”

Kim Philley, Armor Bijoux, Frivolous Universe, FU, http://, Bangkok, street fashion, street style

Tibetan ceremonial breastplate: Armor Bijoux (Christmas present from Bethany Walter)

Having to photograph myself this week gave me a new appreciation for the contortions Nicole Orabona pulls off. But as G.K. Chesterton said, “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.” And while you’re at it, why not have cheesy fun with FxCam filters? Oh, Nana Chen, please come back!

Kim Philley Armor Bijoux Frivolous Universe Elevator Photo, FU, http://, Bangkok, street fashion, street style

Only do this alone. Say “David Bowie” ten times and then open your eyes.

Kim Philley Armor Bijoux Frivolous Universe Elevator Photo, FU, http://, Bangkok, street fashion, street style, saddle oxfords, elevator photos

Saddle oxfords: ZARA (Bangkok)

Kim Philley Armor Bijoux Frivolous Universe Elevator Photo, FU, http://, Bangkok, street fashion, street style, GENETIC DENIM, skinny jeans

Jacket: AXARA Paris (Saigon)

Belt: Fly Now (Bangkok)

Kim Philley, Nana Chen, Frivolous Universe, FU, Asia Street Style, Dolce & Gabbana, D & G, red hot chili pepper dress, street style

Days after styling me in the green hot chili peppers dress for last week’s FU / ASS posts, Asia Street Style’s Nana Chen came across this new Dolce & Gabbana creation in American Elle. Apparently, the collective unconscious is a Thai-Mexican love child. Nana will be returning to Bangkok in March. Thank goodness I’ll only be photographing myself for two more weeks.

Kim Philley Armor Bijoux Frivolous Universe Elevator Photo, FU, http://, Bangkok, street fashion, street style

If Robert Frank could be resurrected and rephotograph The Americans, he’d find a lot of us in mirrored elevators in Bangkok, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, taking furtive photos of ourselves at work.


Black satin bejeweled purse: Grandma’s

New Year’s Eve shenanigans with the FU Ladies @ Visual Arts Collective, Garden City, Idaho

I woke up as many of you did on New Year’s Day, groping for the switch to the coffeemaker in my darkened kitchen, my ears buzzing from the cilia-flattening effect of dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” at top decibel the night before. I’m sure people have been waking up in exactly this manner since 1982, but the first morning of a new year somehow feels bathed in a different light. I cinched my robe at the waist and braced myself against the cold as I scuttled down my driveway to retrieve the New York Times.

Vintage 1940s Dress: In Retrospect (Boise)

When I pulled the Week in Review out of the fat middle of the Sunday edition, its headline shouted The Joy of Quiet.” In this nuanced essay, travel writer and novelist Pico Iyer addresses why stillness is essential—perhaps more so in our 3G Age than ever before. I stretched out on the sofa, my knees creaking from a night of how-low-can-you-go dancing, and allowed Iyer’s words to offer me some semblance of ablution:

“We have more and more ways to communicate, as Thoreau noted, but less and less to say. Partly because we’re so busy communicating . . . . All the data in the world cannot teach us how to sift through data; images don’t show us how to process images. The only way to do justice to our onscreen lives is by summoning exactly the emotional and moral clarity that can’t be found on any screen.”

But how do we get there—to clarity—from where we are?

4″ Wedge Heels: B. Makowsky (Marshall’s)

These geometric wedges remind me of a design by a coveted label I can’t afford, Maison Martin Margiela

“Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries,” the French philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote in the 17th century, “and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.” Iyer suggest refusing distraction by learning to sit quietly alone in a room, which, as we all know, is easier said than done. But he also offers practical, travel-writerly advice. The future of travel, Iyer believes, lies not in the multiple Ethernet ports of a business suite at Howard Johnson, but in “black-hole resorts” like the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur, which charge high prices precisely because you can’t get online in their rooms.

Other tactics? “Forgetting” your cell phone at home, recovering those hours lost to Facebook and Twitter addiction with Freedom software or old-fashioned willpower, and remembering that true joy in life comes from deep concentration: the two-hundredth page of a captivating novel, a languorous dinner with friends, the pleasure of vulnerable conversation that is all eye contact and makes you feel vivid, impossibly alive, and pinned in space to your coffee and chair.

Details, details, details! 

2012. Lord knows it has its naysayers, but I feel like standing up for the promise of this year. And it needn’t be complicated: drink when you’re dry, dance when you feel stagnant, sit still when you feel pulled in all directions; ask yourself, does it matter? If the answer is yes, go for it.

Costume Earrings: Grandma’s

Photos by Bethany Walter

