Frivolous Universe

Tag "outfit a day"

Of course we had to participate in Occupy Wall Street. We made cardboard signs, carefully chose coordinating outfits, and ate a cupcake. Then we met up with protesters in Foley Square, right in front of the court house and the department of justice and marched to Wall St.


Sweetest little sign-carrier.

Best-dressed protester.

Excuse me officers, do you like my vest?

After the march in Liberty Plaza

Kelly’s Outfit: High-necked, ruffled polka-dot blouse, fair-isle sweater vest, bleached cut-offs.

Accessories: We are the 99% sticker,

Woven leather belt:

Tights and boots.

I bleached these shorts in the bathroom sink.

Nicole’s Outfit: High-necked, checked blouse, vest, red high-waisted shorts.

Accessories: Taupe belt,

Red tights, taupe shoes.

Check out the gold brocade back of this vest. Isn’t that a daisy?


Why should babies have all the fun? I love me a colorful onesie.
















Onesie by mansion (The Emporium, Bangkok)

Friend: Emilia Guevara

I love onesies and I have just learned how to knit; when I can knit myself a snow-white cashmere onesie and wear it snuggled by a Baltic hearth, sipping Stumbras vodka, I will feel like I have finally arrived!



This is Kelly writing. I’ll be making the actual sentences, though Nicole and I will be collaborating on the blogs. We have known each other since my junior year of high school (Nicole’s sophomore year). Until recently, we both lived in Boise, ID.

A little over a year ago, Nicole and I started thrifting. At first, we didn’t know what to look for or how to look for it. We mostly picked items that were familiar styles or brands, but we also found some beautiful vintage pieces for practically nothing.

In the last twelve months of scouring the Idaho Youth Ranch, Salvation Army, Savers, The Good Samaritan Store, and Re-Style, Nicole has built the most enviable vintage wardrobe I can imagine. I am catching up.

Nicole now lives in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY, and I’m here visiting. We’ll be blogging from New York and Boise on Mondays.

Today’s theme is Prairie Chic, one of my favorites.

Nicole’s Outfit: Vintage plaid shirt and rust suede vest, teal skinny jeans.

Nicole’s Accessories: Blue scarab necklace (We love the rainbow thread in this shirt!)

Orthopedic shoes,

Vintage hand-tooled leather bag,

Crocheted wrap – handmade by Kelly!

Kelly’s Outfit: Over-sized plaid shirt-dress

Subtly-slutty touch: unbutton it a little too high.

Accessories: Leather lace-ups,

Woven belt.

This is at The High Line, a park/walkway that follows an old railway track over the city.

 We sunbathed.

It was crowded.

All of the clothing and accessories were purchased second-hand.
