Frivolous Universe

Tag "Photographer: Bethany Walter"

Eeek! BOO IS COMING. Nicole is on an eight hour flight from New York to Seattle, then she’ll be back in Boise for one short week. We have much frivolity lined up, including a special vintage photo shoot with the Boise FU branch. Stay freaking tuned, ya’ll.

It has been just under 5 months since I said goodbye to Nicole at the subway station in Williamsburg with tears streaming down her face. She never showed an iota of hesitation about her move to Brooklyn to pursue acting. Nicole is a powerful force of fabulous, and likely to get what she wants out of the big city…. Boo amputation still sucks.

I sent these pleated olive trousers to New York in one of many care packages stuffed to bursting with vintage clothes bought at Idaho thrifting prices. I got them in Mountain Home with Bethany on the day Bethany fell in love with color.

Since the move, I have lost a profoundly comforting presence in my life. Oh, Google video chat and phone calls and care packages help, but they don’t fill the empty space in my soul. I have lost my fellow mischief-maker, silk-painter, chalk-drawer, cookie-baker, Rodney-lover, Catan-rival and Trekkie.

(Thanks to Bethany and Anna for my pictures!) We splattered blue and green on this hand-painted silk skirt together. Here’s a shot of it in progress:

Since we’ve been friends since high school, we’ve formed our tastes for good vegetables, vintage clothes, and making art together. She doesn’t have to explain to me why tying the front of a demure checked high-necked blouse is a good idea. I know it’s a good idea.

I don’t have to explain to her why tucking in heavy suede shirt to a delicate silk skirt is a good idea. She understands.

I showed up to this photo shoot expecting mixed reviews from the other ladies. It doesn’t bother me that I get the occasional skeptical brow-raise from a cohort, because I know that on the other side of the continental united states, someone gets it.

Like me, Nicole loves irony and unlikely juxtapositions. We like geeky sci-fi references and bad movies. We like being slightly overdressed and out of place for every occasion. I love how Nicole’s outfit is borderline middle-aged country club fare. Such gall!

My outfit is unattainable, unrelatable, and unsympathetic. I like to start off on the wrong foot with people. It makes it more of a challenge to win them over (see also: douche-bag buffer).

The biggest thing I miss about having Nicole in the same city is not having to explain myself. Many people do not understand why unsympathetic and unrelatable would be goals to strive for while getting dressed, but Knuckle does.

Perhaps some wouldn’t understand why Nicole would take her already king-sized ass and stuff it into a pair of high-waisted pleated pants that will do nothing but make it look like more of a planetoid (with its own weather system), but I do.

To be clear, I wouldn’t take her back even if she wanted to come home. She’s doing exactly what she should be: committing to her art, going outside her comfort zone, and attacking her goals. I’m exactly where I should be too, but, sometimes, I miss not having to explain why two bulky, figure-masking, unsexy garments make a right. Only a Boo would know without asking.

Overdressed and out of place – Why do you say that like its a bad thing?


Blast you, global-lukewarmed weather. I think all the FU girls stateside of Thailand are feeling the wardrobe blahs of the winter. Funkopolitan, I tell you what. For some reason winter, especially this neurotic winter of blinding sun but blistering air, makes me feel like I’m in a fog of slow-moving bad fashion attitude.

But you know what helps? Wearing a blanket, and fuzzies, and armor.

Shuddup. So what if I’ve also been wearing these Blank black bleached legging-jeans ($5, 50% off at outdoor rack at LUX) for a week now straight. They go with everything. And no one sees the stains. The Merrell fleece-lined black boots ($9, REI garage sale) save my wimpy feet almost everyday, too.

Whatchyoolookinat? An Orange/pink reversable black pashmina with silver stiching (gift from Istanbul). This classy-as-all-get-out wool scarf lets me get away with wearing a fashionable blanket and then draping it however the hell I want to keep out the cold/onlookers. Holla. I try to keep it rolled up at the ready in my Mary Poppins’ Thai carpet bag (see below) at all times.

I got this warming vision about 7 years ago, when a friend of mine visited Turkey. I specifically requested a “classy pashmina” as an I-took-care-of-your-houseplants present. Spot on. This is the scarf I thought I lost on my recent sickly birthday at Boise Guest House, but they found it behind a dresser a week later. Holla get well birthday.

Meh. Let’s liven up the lackluster, shall we, with fuzzies. Neiman-Marcus vintage cream cashmere sweater ($2.99, thrift store; made in Hong Kong circa 1970s) and cream leggings ($2.99, Grocery Outlet). Gah. I love finding cashmere for peanuts at thrift stores. Mood on the rise.

Armor Bijoux, Bethany Walter jewelryWhen all else fails, this Armor Bijoux silver and glass antique from 1920s Afghanistan ($$$, Armor Bijoux by Bethany Walter) catches the glint in your, or at least someone’s, eye and makes you feel that much more blindingly powerful.

Alright, little red riding hood, I acquise, you’re lookin’ good. L.L. Bean knitted red and black wool sweater (?, purchased in high school when I was trying to be all Mormon-prep and now falling apart but more lovely for it) and the infamous Mary Poppins’ carpet bag (gift from Kim and the queen of Thailand-I’ll explain some other time) that holds the secret to all mysteries and knickknacks and writerly supplies and handiness and also the universe.

So, this outfit is pretty much everything a big bad winter could want. Woooh.

Photography by the show-and-cold-stopping Kelly Lynae. And thank you Bethany Walter for my last photo.


When I was 16, Dad gave me my first camera – a Pentax SLR 35mm film camera that was made in 1982 – the year before I was born. The camera had been his, and I kept sneaking off with it to try my hand at photography. Upon seeing my persistence and a few decent shots develop from the piles of over and under exposed photos, he gave me the camera and encouraged me to enroll in high school photography class, which I most happily did.

Ann Taylor Loft wool sweater, hooded dress, skinny jeans, jeans tucked into boots, Frye Campus boots, Idaho fashion, winter styles

As a family, my dad, stepmom and I went on countless hikes through the lake-speckled mountains of the central Idaho Rockies where we lived, our cameras in tow. Each of us had our unique perspective on the landscape – Dad with his knack for landscapes, Jimmie with her eye for lighting, and me with a talent for abstracts.

abstract photographyRusty Nails – an abstract shot I took 2 years ago during a trip to Montana with Dad and Jimmie.

ethnic jewelry, vintage 70's clothingAnd sometimes my penchant for abstract shots works well for fashion shots too, as with
photos I took of Kelly Lynae for her post this week.

Oregon Coast – shot by Dad near where he now lives.
See more of his photos here. 

Through sharing this of love of photography, Dad taught me to find my own unique artistic expression. His support of my endeavors gave me the confidence to explore the world through a lens, and that exploration has developed my ability to focus my artist’s eye.

blue morpho butterfly, Ann Taylor Loft sweater, rose quartz ring, leather cuff bracelet, Idaho fashion, winter fashion,

Since today is Dad’s birthday, I thought it would be the perfect time to show off a little father-daughter lens perspective! Love you, Pa – happy birthday!

Below is the same pond, from two perspectives. The first is a panorama by my Dad, the second is a panorama by me. We took these photos on the same day – a Father’s Day hike we took several years ago. Dad taught me how to create panoramas during this hike. It was a gorgeous day!

McCall scenery, Idaho scenery, landscape photography, panorama photographyMeadow Creek Pond – Ted Demetriades

McCall scenery, Idaho scenery, landscape photography, panorama photography

Meadow Creek Pond – Anna Demetriades

And since this is my Pa’s birthday, I figured I had better include a picture of him too!
Here’s a great one that Jimmie took:

See the resemblance?

So by now you may be thinking, isn’t this a fashion blog? Well…..yes, it is. And I really do quite like my outfit for this week’s post – layers, layers, layers! I love stacking elements until I come up with a series of unexpected but complimentary textures and colors. A handmade hooded dress and wool sweater cape over jeans with Frye boots? Nice. Add to it thick wool socks and a hand-painted silk butterfly scarf and you’ve got yourself a cozy, unique, and perfectly respectable outfit. Problem is……I’m so tired of cozy layers! I long for the springtime bliss of silk tank tops and gauzy, flowing skirts. Someday soon…….in the meantime, I’ll hunker down in my wool and futz around with my camera.

clothing layering techniques, hooded dress, wool sweater cape, Frye Campus bootsMany thanks to my fellow camera-futzer, Bethany Walter, for the beautiful photos. I so enjoy our photographic adventures together!

wool sweater cape, dress as shirt, hooded dress, skinny jeans, boots over jeans, Frye Campus boots, how to wear hair in braids, leather cuff bracelet, thrift store fashion

This is me, dreaming of spring……
