All photos shot with the Lomography SuperSampler in Wicker Park, Chicago.
K: Nicole and I got tattoos today, each a tiny pine cone on the index finger (my left, her right). Now we have to be friends forever.
Nicole: This month marks the ten-year anniversary of our friendship! It started with fake nose picking, ear belching, neck slapping and lemon sucking and will only end when we fly off a cliff in a car Thelma and Louise style.
K: Even though Saturday night we were drunkenly yelling at each other in a Chicago bar bathroom, we mostly settle our differences like adults. Besides, by the time we grabbed 2 a.m. tacos, we couldn’t remember what we were fighting about anymore.
N: I cannot sum up our friendship better than Juliana in My Best Friend’s Wedding, “We’ve seen each other through everything. Losing jobs, losing parents, losing lovers. We’ve traveled all over. The best times of my life. Drinking and talking. Even if it’s just over the phone.” Best times of my life indeed, just add ‘discovering fashion together’ to that list and it sums up our friendship perfectly.
K: We squealed with delight this morning when we accessorized our childishly demure outfits in our Wicker Park hostel room. We started with cowboy boots (why not?) and then, I added lace-ruffled socks, appropriate for Sunday school, age 10.
N: This vintage ’30s silk blouse pairs perfectly with my brand new suede shorts (purchased on our Wicker Park thrift store spree Saturday and tuxedo jacket. The sexy school girl cliche is old, I’ll go for school-boy tailoring and add a subtly-slutty belly button exposure.
K: In short, I may dress like a child, but it is a very sophisticated child.
N: Indubitably.
As good little children, we’d like to formally apologize to anyone we drunk-dialed or drunk-texted this weekend. Doh!
During the day Tuesday, Kelly and I were out scouting for office space. Our needs are pretty simple. We want a place with a window, historic architecture, a chalk board wall, sushi next door, a patio, a chihuahua pug mix puppy prancing around, and a space shared with other creatives. We are getting pretty close to finding exactly what we want.
After working for the rest of afternoon, Kelly spinning words and I designing a website, we headed downtown to the Boise River to shoot photos. I’m falling in love with Boise all over again. There is never a shortage of places to photograph. I spotted this rock bed a few days earlier and made a mental note to visit it later.
Excuse me as I stand here for 1.5 seconds with no pants. This purple silk Kimichi blouse, or to some a dress, is something I bought a couple of years ago at Urban Outfitters and used to wear with leggings. I’m obsessed with layering my clothes to get new outfits, dresses tucked into pants, skirts over dresses, and tops over jump suites.
These lovely thrifted silk Rena Rowan pants I inherited from Kelly. She has a rule that if something looks better on someone else, in this case has bigger hips and waist, they should have it. I try to be a generous person but this philosophy of Kelly’s stretches me. But I have learned that it feels good to let go, especially if it makes someone else happy.
This thick leather Banana Republic belt I also inherited from Kelly. It is perfect for hiding the awkward elastic waistband of my blouse and it does not dwarf my torso too bad. My jingling earrings are from Afghanistan and I purchased them on an Armor Bijoux buying trip. I like how the bits of white echo my blouse.
Since I paired silk with silk, it made sense to couple leather woven belt with leather woven wood sandals. Details, details, details. I got these sandals from the GAP 7 years ago. I like to think of the fact that I still have them not as being a pack rat but rather having timeless taste. Cough.
Do you have any photos of thrifted outfits you have layered? I’d love to see them and share in one of FU’s next posts. Email them to
Photographer: Kelly Lynae Robinson