Frivolous Universe

Tag "Photographer: Nicole Orabona"

Nicole: I see absolutely nothing wrong with wearing shiny leggings during daylight hours

K: Nor should you! I wore those leggings today with silver sneakers. Here are two vintage items we picked up in Chicago: your teal belt, which matches my bra and necklace perfecto, and this fakey fur vest. Do you realize how many muppets had to die?!

N: I’m sure not nearly as many as were sacrificed for Pandora and Mimi’s eleganza.

N: Leggings and a tunic are a pretty basic silhouette, but they make for a good vintage shopping outfit since you can try things on over them easily.  So if you’re gonna go basic, at least make it sparkly!

K: And how! My outfit would be tres predictable if I left it to a black tee and jeans, but my fuzzy vest, flat cap, and exposed bra take it to a higher plane… or to a sluttier plane, as the case may be… (Check out Kim’s exposed bra here.)

N: Always always take it to a sluttier plane if possible.  There’s not much slut to this outfit, but I really like the weird layering of the pink shiny sweater vest over your tunic.

K: Let’s see, what didn’t we tell about Chicago? Most everything. We went to a gay bar to watch the season premier of the new Rupaul’s Drag Race last Monday night. It was amazing, everyone was cheering for their favorite queens. Now I know what normal people must feel like watching their favorite football team in a sports bar.

N: We also saw three great shows.  44 Plays for 44 Presidents, Metamorphoses, and In Pigeon House.  Would definitely recommend all three to anyone in Chicago at the mo, but especially In Pigeon House, which features a fellow Boise State alum!

K: Yeah, Ira Amyx pretty much kicked ass from curtain to curtain. What else?  Oh yeah, we ate LOTS of food. Italian, Southwestern, Russian, Nepalese, Lebanese, and vegetarian.

N: All in all a pretty great trip.  And our hostel roof deck made a great hang out/photo shoot/late night chat spot.

K: And place for you to pose like an American Apparel model. You are wearing their leggings…

Kelly was definitely being the butch one in this photoshoot.


All photos shot with the Lomography SuperSampler in Wicker Park, Chicago.


K: Nicole and I got tattoos today, each a tiny pine cone on the index finger (my left, her right). Now we have to be friends forever.

Nicole: This month marks the ten-year anniversary of our friendship!  It started with fake nose picking, ear belching, neck slapping and lemon sucking and will only end when we fly off a cliff in a car Thelma and Louise style.

K: Even though Saturday night we were drunkenly yelling at each other in a Chicago bar bathroom, we mostly settle our differences like adults. Besides, by the time we grabbed 2 a.m. tacos, we couldn’t remember what we were fighting about anymore.

N: I cannot sum up our friendship better than Juliana in My Best Friend’s Wedding, “We’ve seen each other through everything. Losing jobs, losing parents, losing lovers. We’ve traveled all over. The best times of my life. Drinking and talking. Even if it’s just over the phone.” Best times of my life indeed, just add ‘discovering fashion together’ to that list and it sums up our friendship perfectly.

K: We squealed with delight this morning when we accessorized our childishly demure outfits in our Wicker Park hostel room. We started with cowboy boots (why not?) and then, I added lace-ruffled socks, appropriate for Sunday school, age 10.

N: This vintage ’30s silk blouse pairs perfectly with my brand new suede shorts (purchased on our Wicker Park thrift store spree Saturday and tuxedo jacket.  The sexy school girl cliche is old, I’ll go for school-boy tailoring and add a subtly-slutty belly button exposure.

K: In short, I may dress like a child, but it is a very sophisticated child.

N: Indubitably.

As good little children, we’d like to formally apologize to anyone we drunk-dialed or drunk-texted this weekend. Doh!
